Madeline MacGregor Art
an Oregon-based artist
My art is illustrative. At times it is full of whimsy, and at others, deals with the realities of being a person with chronic illness and disabilities. I like to work in layers of detail–impasto and pointillism–but cannot quite let go of detailed undercurrents that I so enjoyed in my younger years when I worked almost exclusively in pen and ink. Perhaps I can ascribe my style as 21st Century Impressionism.
Gift Items | Stationary | Prints | Tiny Art | Slow Art | Originals
My Art & Specialty
My style is not one of realism, it’s more stylistic. Many of my paintings feature ‘anatomically incorrect’ creatures thriving in a fantasy world—where even snakes sport a toothy grin.
Something I call “slow art” is what I consider my specialty. I’ve moved away from printing mass produced copies of my paintings and concentrated instead on hand-crafting small or tiny individual works that may look similar (based on my original idea), but are completely hand-painted and illustrated.
With this style of “slow art,” even when I print copies of my work, I hand embellish them in some way, whether it is hand-gilding (applying gold accents) or including an artist’s statement into each and every pack that I assemble myself.
My paintings on canvas are all acrylic paint, while most of my paintings on larger sized paper use watercolors, interspersed with acrylic highlights. My tiny artwork on paper is almost all exclusively watercolor with a few dashes of acrylic pen and an oil-based gold paint.
Personal Artistic Inspiration
If you were just meeting me for the first time, you might think I fit the “artist profile” perfectly–someone with a healthy smattering of ADHD behavior and the ability to see all things all at once. But besides being distracted by shiny things, I draw inspiration from the quietness and solitude of nature.
Although I can no longer physically participate in many outdoor activities, I make sure to take time each day to absorb the beauty of the landscape around me. I was always that kid who could spend hours combing the beach for treasure, and I am still that child in many ways–perfectly happy to watch ants parading across the soil or listening for bird calls, watching flowers I plant flourish and sustain the dozens of pollinators who populate our yard and garden.
I think that part of being able to produce a certain amount of quality artwork within a short time actually requires me to decompress and let my creativity out in different ways–whether that’s brainstorming on the arts commission about how to create more public art or cooking in my kitchen, the time spent outside my studio is as valuable to me as the time I spend inside it. I draw inspiration from life.
Infusing Life into Art
I live in Albany, Oregon, a small town in the heart of the Willamette Valley. We are fortunate to be nestled in a peaceful spot where wildlife of all kinds visit our garden and home daily.
Albany is a historic small city, with four National Historic Districts. The city is also well-known for its eateries, musical events along the Willamette River, good coffee, and good friends. I love that when I visit downtown Albany, I know so many people from all age groups and walks of life. Each human connection I make intersects with another, and it makes living with a disability easier to cope with.
Facing serious illness and living with a significant physical disability has driven me tenfold into my art. I cannot sit around and worry, because that is exactly what I would do if I did not have a creative outlet and artistic purpose.

When I worked professionally, I had this quote from Michel de Montaigne tacked up in my office:
“I want death to find me planting cabbages…”
What this means to me to this day, is that cabbages are an ordinary vegetable, but living is an extraordinary privilege. And instead of sitting around waiting to die from one of the maladies that accompany a corporeal body, I want to plant things that sustain and enrich us–from the proverbial cabbages to joy and creativity.
Now retired, I am delighted to run my own business, creating affordable art while not losing sight of being an engaged citizen; I am a member of the City of Albany Arts Commission and on the Albany Visitors Association Board of Directors.
To keep connection with my community, I donate a percentage from each sale to local animal rescue organizations and other charitable foundations within Linn and Benton counties.
Each year, I donate work to the Albany Historic Carousel to help raise funds for their operations and Furniture Share, an amazing organization that helps veterans and children and their parents be able to have household furnishings without payment. This is part of my commitment to the generous spirit of the community I live and create in.

Madeline MacGregor
the woman behind the works.
As I look back over the many challenges I faced as a child and young single parent, those difficult eras are like a series of novels. Each was a phase of experimentation to discover who I was, almost like separate incarnations. And within each, artistic expression was a saving grace.
We all carry so many hopes and aspirations over the decades, and then we are buffeted by loss, tragedy, and despair. I think that the underlying theme that comes out in my work is to help support one another in our journey through vibrancy and humor. If I couldn’t counteract the darkness with light, I couldn’t find my way to create.
I’ve been involved or drawn to the arts since I could first recall. My work was laid aside for many years as I raised a child on my own, worked two or more jobs, and struggled to keep a roof over our heads. Art and creative expression are most likely the healthiest part of me. And I find as I age into that “elder” moniker, that I want to help others answer their inner calling to create.
It is vital that we disconnect from the onslaught of social media and discord to connect with one another with the language of love. Art for me is a way to express my love and commitment to others.

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